
April 12, 2015

Some photos'll make you re-evaluate your life

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. In this case, you may be right. A picture can capture the essence of something powerful than any writer or poet. A picture is simple; It is right in front of you, completely unfiltered. The words can be lost in translation out of context; its confusing and misunderstood sense. The images are not only a mixture of colors captured on paper. They are something that can shake and evoke raw emotions in us.

There are examples of the importance of standard images. According to the Pew Research Center, an Internet user is 7.4 times more likely to click on the content, if an image is attached to it. branding and marketing experts carefully using combinations of colors and images to persuade us to buy certain products. But why are we drawn to these images? How have too much power over us?


Psychologists explain that the images help you easily spend four key stimulants: expectations, emotion, motivation and culture. The four course are of great importance in daily life and exploiting innate ID. Visual images and also cause projections of the observer. If you put a picture of a boy and his dog in front of you and me and another ten, this probably means something different to everyone who sees it. Perhaps one of the groups recently lost his dog, maybe someone had a bad childhood experience with a dog. In all cases, the reaction of each person in the image can be based on previous experiences and opinions. Subjectivity take over and dictate the emotions you feel when presented with this picture.


n this sense, the images are not only a snapshot of isolating a single moment. Are deep memories good and bad memories. They are catalysts for emotional reactions.


They are powerful to something greater than oneself and which are visual representations of their deepest fears and desires of the connections.



In explaining the reasoning makes sense intellectually. You understand that A causes B. But, after all, there is a reason why I say that seeing is believing. No collection of words, or a sequence of sentences can match the impact of a powerful image. Buy something, be it a horrible picture of war or an inspiring example of humanity, instantly becomes real. He does all traceable to a comfortable level.


I am a writer; I like words. But I can admit that in this digital age, a picture of a loved one means more to me than a text message. Images can be succinctly represented in this world that complicated prose.


Look at these pictures and all they represent. Conflicting ideologies of power and love seen in heavily armed police rejected peaceful demonstrators. True happiness lies in a elderly couple making faces and kissing when the camera takes. Hope for a better world when you come across a picture of 100,000 monks gathered to pray. A reminder that everything is possible, as you watch the Beatles playing in an almost empty room the club a year before the Beatles. All these images have no explanation, since the content of the photos speak for themselves.


"I've never read. I just look at the pictures," said Andy Warhol once.

And why not? The images are very complex in its simplicity; A picture can tell a story.

To paraphrase Gandhi, has two eyes and one mouth for a reason.










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