
October 4, 2016

Ivanka Trump does damage control for Donald, starring in a new ad targeting women voters

Donald Trump has released the first campaign adverts staring his daughter Ivanka as his team scrambles to boost his support among women and recover from a week dominated by his war with a Miss Universe contestant.

The new adverts involve Ivanka, an entrepreneur herself who is seen by many to be one of Trump’s greatest assets, discussing his childcare policies and the importance of motherhood.

They came as a new poll by Fox __news showed Hillary Clinton, his Democrat rival for the presidency, benefiting from a three-point bounce after Monday night’s debate in which a rattled Trump failed to provide cohesive arguments, struggled with the microphone, and left many viewers confused as to where he stood.

I believe in #AmericaFirst and that means FAMILY FIRST! My childcare plan reflects the needs of modern working-class families. #ImWithYou

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 1, 2016

In the closing minutes of the debate Clinton startled the billionaire by reminding him how he had called Alicia Machado, a former Miss Universe, “Miss Housekeeping” – a dig at her Venezuelan origins – and “Miss Piggy,” accusing her of putting on weight.

The 70-year-old businessman has long struggled to win over female voters, and Friday’s poll put Clinton ahead with women by 20 points.

“The most important job any woman can have is being a mother,” Ivanka says in the spot, which will be broadcast in swing states this week.

“And it shouldn’t mean taking a pay cut,” she adds as the video shows mothers playing with their children. She then proceeds to discuss Trump’s proposed policies, including paid maternity leave and tax credits for child care. The US and Papua New Guinea are the only countries in the world not to guarantee paid maternity leave.

Mark Makela / Getty Images

“Donald Trump understands the needs of a modern workforce. My father will change outdated labour laws so that they support women and American families,” Ivanka says.

“He will provide tax credits for child care, paid maternity leave, and dependent care savings accounts. This will allow women to support their families and further their careers.”

Despite his daughters best efforts, however, her father seems unable to help himself.

Following Clinton’s coup at the debate in bringing up Machado, Trump hit back in the early hours of Friday – around 3am – launching a Twitter tirade against the former beauty queen, describing her as “disgusting” and referencing a “sex tape.”

Machado did appear on a Spanish reality television show, and grainy night-time footage from 2000 shows her having sex. She also posed in sultry, but not pornographic, magazines. But there is no evidence of any “sex tape” existing.

Machado accused Trump of cheap lies, humiliation and bullying.

“Through his attacks, he’s attempting to distract from his campaign’s real problems and his inability to be the leader of this great country,” she said.

The Republican candidate’s woes did not end there. On Friday Buzzfeed obtained a Playboy video from 2000 – featuring Trump. He promised in August to crack down on pornography, yet in the video he appears – fully clothed – alongside Peruvian twins on a tour of America, most of which they seem to spend naked, covering each other in honey, and posing in sexual positions.

Eric Draper / Associated Press

“Beauty is beauty, and let’s see what happens with New York,” Trump says in the film, Playboy Video Centerfold, as he sprays champagne on a Playboy logo-emblazoned limo.

In an interview with The New York Times published yesterday, Trump risked further alienating women by announcing that he plans to attack Clinton for her husband’s infidelities.

When asked about his own – the thrice-married billionaire was still married to Ivanka’s mother Ivana when he began a relationship with Marla Maples – he dodged the question. “No – I never discuss it. I never discuss it. It was never a problem,” he said.

John Locher / Associated Press

Trump accused Bill Clinton of having had numerous indiscretions that “brought shame onto the presidency, and Hillary Clinton was there defending him all along.”

Trump’s aides are said to be urging him to prepare more for the next debate, a week today. They are also concerned that his referencing Clinton’s affairs is a risky strategy that may hurt his ratings with women even more. Clinton’s campaign described him this week as “unhinged.”

But the billionaire does not seem to mind. “She’s nasty, but I can be nastier than she ever can be,” he said.

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