
November 21, 2016

Newfoundland driver's traffic stop reveals $55,000 in fines

Police in St. John


Police in St. John's say a driver was found to be sitting on $55,000 worth of fines after he was pulled over for failing to signal on Sunday. He has been held for a court appearance and the vehicle he was driving was impounded.

ST. JOHN'S, N.L. — A Newfoundland man facing $55,000 in outstanding fines may be adding to that whopping tally after police pulled him over for making an unsafe turn and failing to signal.

Patrol officers in St. John's say they noticed a car driving erratically with no licence plate just before noon on Sunday and tried to pull the driver over.

But they say the car took off, crossing two lanes of traffic before being stopped in a parking lot.

They discovered the 44-year-old driver already had about $55,000 in fines owing.

He was charged with a slew of violations, including operating without insurance and a licence plate, having a suspended driver's licence, expired registration and failing to transfer ownership.

He was held for court and the vehicle was impounded.

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